After the sparkly rock is placed on your finger and the butterflies settle from the magical moment of saying “yes!”, it’s time to take a deep breath and come back down to earth to share the exciting news of your engagement. Besides wondering how your significant other proposed, one of the most frequently asked questions from friends and family will naturally be: What does the ring look like?!

Let your loved ones know about your engagement in real time by posting a gasp-inducing engagement ring selfie so they can feel as if they’re there sharing the moment with you. An engagement ring is a symbol of your commitment and union in love as a couple, and a stunning engagement ring selfie can capture the sweet sentiment as a prelude of what’s to come in your future. Follow these 5 tips to take the best engagement ring selfie yet.
1. Find the Light

Natural light will make your photo look as clean and clear as possible without the blur or discoloration that typically comes with an indoor picture snapped under fluorescent or yellow bulb lights. It will also enhance the clarity and sparkle of your ring, especially if it’s a brilliant diamond.
2. All About Angles

The last thing you want to do is obstruct the view of your gorgeous ring! Position your hand and camera in a way that avoids casting shadow. Experiment with the camera angle to capture the best view of the ring, highlighting the stone, craftsmanship or any other beautiful details that decorate the band.
3. Stay Focused

Most cameras allow a focus point within the frame. If you’re taking a picture on your phone, tap the area of the screen where the center of your ring is to bring the lens into sharp focus as the rest of the surrounding space softens.
4. Provide Some Background

Choose a background that is neither dark nor distracting, where your ring is the central and brightest focus to draw the eye in. This doesn’t mean it needs to be boring or on a monochromatic backdrop. A soft floral bouquet or a scenic background are perfect, especially if you got engaged in a gorgeous setting or place that’s special to you both as a couple.
5. Strike a Pose

There are few among us who are hand models, but there are certain tricks you can employ to pose your hand in the most flattering way possible. Firstly, avoid a stiff hand and keep your fingers as relaxed as possible for a natural pose. If it makes you feel more comfortable to be doing something with your hand instead of having it hang in space, rest your arm on a surface or hold something, like flowers, a coffee cup, or even your new fiancé’s hand. For the unexpected shot, take your hand out of the picture completley and photograph the ring on its own.